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Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

Indonesian football development

4 History of Football Indonesia

At the end of 1920, Voetbal or football matches are often held to enliven the night market. The match held in the afternoon. Actually, other than football, European nations including the Netherlands also introduce other sports, such as baseball, handball, swimming, tennis, and hockey. Only, all kinds of sports was limited to the Europeans, the Netherlands, and Indo. As a result most preferred football because it does not require a special place and natives should play.

Singa field (Bull Field) becomes a witness where the Netherlands are often held five match race (vijfkam) and tienkam (dasa race). Especially for football, soldiers in military barracks most often compete. They then formed a bond soccer or association football. Of bond-bond that he formed a big club. Not only military soldiers, but also citizens of the Netherlands, Europe, and the Indo-bond makes a similar bond.

Of bond-bond was then formed Nederlandsch Indische Voetbal Bond (NIVB) which in 1927 turned into Nederlandsch Indische Voetbal Unie (NIVU). Until 1929, NIVU often held games included in order to enliven the evening and do not miss the market as a gambling event. Bond China using names such as un Tiong Tong, Donar, and UMS. The bond natives usually take the name of the region, such as Light Kwitang, Sinar Kernolong, or Si Sawo Mateng.
In 1928 Indonesia was formed Voetbalbond Jacatra (VIJ) as a result of discrimination NIVB. Previously even been formed Football Association Djakarta (Persidja) in 1925. On April 19, 1930, Persidja helped shape the Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI) in building Soceiteit Hande Projo, Yogyakarta. At that time Persidja use the field at Jalan Biak, Roxy, Central Jakarta.
In the 1930s, in Indonesia stood three football organization based on ethnicity, which Nederlandsch Indische Voetbal Bond (NIVB) -which then renamed Nederlandsch Indische Voetbal Unie (NIVU) in the year 1936- belongs to the Netherlands, Hwa Nan Voetbal Bond ( HNVB) had the Chinese nation, and Persatoean Sepakraga Seloeroeh Indonesia (PSSI) owned by Indonesia.

Entering the 1930s, the prestige of the star field NIVB Bond, G Rehatta and de Wolf, began to see a change twilight star field and indigenous Chinese bond, such as Maladi, Sumadi, and Ernst Mangindaan. In 1933, STX came out as winners at the 3rd PSSI championship.
In 1938 Indonesia to qualify for the World Cup. Delivery teams Indonesia (Dutch East Indies) had experienced barriers. NIVU (Nederlandsche Indische Voetbal Unie) or Dutch football organization in Jakarta arguing with PSSI (Football Association of Indonesia) which has been established in April 1930. PSSI chaired Soeratin Sosrosoegondo, German graduate engineer who lived in Europe, wants players PSSI submitted. However, the teams finally shipped without involving players PSSI and use NIVU flag recognized by FIFA.
At the time of Japan, all bond soccer Tai Iku forced into the formation Koi Japanese military administration. In this period, Taiso, a kind of gymnastics, replacing sports games. Just after independence, re-vibrant sports games.
In 1948, the Games called PON (National Sports Week) held for the first time in Solo. Just at that time, already 12 sports contested. Along with sports games, particularly football, which is increasingly popular in the community, the need for a variety of sports completeness increased. In the 1960-1970's, youth Jakarta Fu Siong know sports shops specialized in selling football boots. Products of shoe stores in Pasar Senen is a mainstay before Indonesia invaded imported shoes. Besides Pasar Senen, sports shop in New Market also provides football equipment.
Dutch influence in the world of football in Indonesia is the term henbal, trekbal (ball back), kopbal (sundul ball), losbal (loose ball), and kick 12 pas. The term was then fade when the well-known English football fever begins so that the terms are changed with the term English football. Meanwhile, until 1950 there is still a player in several clubs indo Jakarta. Call it Vander Vin at UMS club; Van den Berg, Hercules, Niezen, and Pesch of BBSA club. Indo players began to fade in the 1960s.

PSSI (Indonesian Football Association throughout) formed 19 April 1930 in Yogyakarta. As a sports organization that was born in the Age of Dutch colonization, however PSSI Birth related to political activities against the occupation. If researching and analyzing the moments before, during and after birth, up to 5 years after the Declaration of Independence August 17, 1945, it was obvious that the PSSI was born, because the politicians dibidani nation either directly or indirectly, against colonialism with a strategy to sow the seeds - the seeds of nationalism The chest Indonesian youths.
PSSI was established by a civil engineer named Soeratin Sosrosoegondo. He completed his education at the Technical College in Heckelenburg, Germany in 1927 and returned to his homeland in 1928. When he returned to his homeland Soeratin working on a Dutch building company "Sizten en Lausada" centered in Yogyakarta. There he is one - the only Indonesian who sat in the senior ranks of the big construction companies. However, driven by the high nationalist spirit Soeratin withdraw from the company.

After stopping of "Sizten en Lausada" he more active in the movement, and as a young man who likes to play football, Soeratin to implement fully aware what has been decided at a meeting of the youth of Indonesia October 28, 1928 (Youth Pledge) Soeratin see football as The best vehicle to sow nationalism among the youth, as the action against the Netherlands.
To implement the goals - his was, Soeratin a meeting for the sake of meeting with leaders - leaders of football in Solo, Yogyakarta and Bandung. The meeting carried out with personal contacts to avoid police raids Netherlands (PID). Then, when the holding of a meeting in a small hotel in Jalan Kramat Binnenhof 17, Jakarta with Soeri - chairman VIJ (Voetbalbond Indonesische Jakarta) along with other officials, dimatangkanlah ideas need to establish a national football organization, which subsequently did well in the maturation of the idea in the city, Yogya and Solo were conducted with leaders of national movements such as Daslam Hadiwasito, Amir Notopratomo, A Hamid, Soekarno (not Bung Karno), and others - others. While other cities made personal contact or courier like to Soediro in Magelang (Chairman of the Association of Young).

Then on April 19, 1930, gathered representatives - representatives from VIJ (Sjamsoedin - RHS students); vice Bandoengsche Indonesische Voetbal Bond (BIVB) Gatot; Mataram Football Association (PSM) Yogyakarta, Daslam Hadiwasito, A.Hamid, M. Amir Notopratomo; Vortenlandsche Voetbal Bond (VVB) Solo Sukarno; Madioensche Voetbal Bond (MVB), Kartodarmoedjo; Indonesische Voetbal Bond Magelang (IVBM) EA Mangindaan (then still a student HKS / School Teachers, also captain Kes.IVBM) Soerabajashe Indonesische Voetbal Bond (SIVB) represented Pamoedji. From the meeting it was born PSSI (Indonesian Seloeroeh Sepakraga Persatoean) name was changed in congress PSSI PSSI in Solo 1950 to Indonesia Football Association which also sets Ir. Soeratin as PSSI chairman.
So PSSI formed, Soeratin et al immediately put together a program that essentially "against" various measures taken by the Dutch government NIVB. PSSI spawned "stridij program" the program of struggle as done by the party and mass organizations that already exist. To each bonden / unions are required to conduct an internal competition for strata I and II, further improved to inter-union championship called "Steden Tournooi" began in 1931 in Surakarta.
Event-driven national football PSSI, then stirred Susuhunan Pakubowono X, after the fact more and more people on the street footballer - road or a place - and a place in the square - square, where the union held the first competition. Pakubowono X then set Sriwedari stadium complete with lights, as the appreciation of the resurrection "National Football" driven PSSI. The stadium was inaugurated in October 1933. With this Sriwedari stadium football activities intensified.
Furthermore Soeratin also encourage the establishment of national sports bodies, in order to exercise the power of the stronger against the domination of indigenous Netherlands. 1938 stood the ISI (Institute of Sport Indonesia), which then organized Sports Week (15 to 22 October 1938) in Solo.
Because of the strength and unity of PSSI that are becoming more increases eventually NIVB in 1936 turned into NIVU (Nederlandsh Indische Voetbal Unie) and start initiated cooperation with the PSSI. As early stages NIVU bring teams from Austria "Winner Sport Club" in 1936.
In 1938 on behalf of the Dutch East Indies, NIVU send his team to the 1938 World Cup, but the players are not derived from the PSSI but from NIVU although there are 9 players indigenous / Chinese. It is a protest Soeratin, because he wanted a match between teams NIVU and PSSI in advance in accordance with the cooperation agreement between them, namely an agreement called "Gentelemen's Agreement" signed by Soeratin (PSSI) and Masterbroek (NIVU) on January 5 1937 in Jogyakarta. In addition, Soeratin also do not want the flag is a flag used NIVU (Netherlands). PSSI congress 1938 in Solo, Soeratin unilaterally cancel the agreement with NIVU.
Soeratin ended its work in PSSI since 1942, after he became chairman of honor between the years 1940 to 1941, and was re-elected in 1942.
The entry of Japanese troops to Indonesia caused PSSI passive in competition, because Japan insert PSSI as part of Tai Iku Kai, the Japanese-made sports bodies, then enter also be part of the Stadium (1944) and a new take autonomous back in pore III congress in Yogyakarta ( 1949).
PSSI development
Post Soeratin national football arena continues to grow despite the development of Indonesian football world is experiencing ups and downs in the quality of players, competition and organization. But the sport that can be accepted at all levels of society is to survive whatever the conditions. PSSI as the parent of this is the national football team has sought to build a well, spend billions of dollars, although the results obtained are still less encouraging.
This is due to the wrong perspective. To lift the achievement of the national team, it is not enough to foster national team itself, but also two other important sectors of competition and organization, while unwittingly national competition we have left behind. Whereas in the era before the '70s, many Indonesian players who can compete at international level and call it the era Ramang Houw Tan Liong, then the era of Sucipto Suntoro and Ronny Pattinasarani later era.
In the development of the current PSSI has expanded the types of competitions and matches dinaunginya. Competition organized by the PSSI in the country consists of:
• The main division, followed by a football club with a non-amateur player status.
• Division one followed by a football club with a non-amateur player status.
• Division followed by two football clubs with a non-amateur player status.
• Division three, followed by a football club with the status of amateur players.
• The age group followed by football clubs with players:
• Under the age of 15 years (U-15)
• Under the age of 17 years (U-170
• Under the age of 19 years (U-19)
• Under the age of 23 years (U-23)
• Women Football
• Futsal.
PSSI also embodies the match - a match that consists of matches in the country organized by the association or club football, branch managers, regional administrators as outlined in the annual calendar of activities of PSSI in accordance with a program drawn up by the PSSI. The game in the country held by third parties under license from the PSSI. Matches in order Regional Sports Week (PORDA) and the National Sports week (PON). Games - other games involving participants from abroad or overseas at the invitation of the permit PSSI.
The management of PSSI also has to maintenance at the local level - regions across Indonesia. This makes Football is increasingly becoming a sport of the people and for the people.
In the development PSSI has been a member of FIFA since November 1, 1952 at the time of the FIFA congress in Helsinki. Once accepted as a member of FIFA, received the next PSSI also a member of the AFC (Asian Football Confederation) in 1952, even being a pioneer also the formation of AFF (ASEAN Football Federation) at the time of the management Kardono, so Kardono had become a vice president for the next AFF Honorary Chairman.
Moreover PSSI 1953 established itself as an organization with legal status by registering to the Department of Justice and approved by MOJ SKep No. JA5 / 11/6, dated February 2, 1953, an additional news of RI dated March 3, 1953, No. 18. Means PSSI is the one - the only parent sports organization registered in the State of news since 8 years after Indonesia's independence.
In the leadership of PSSI Nurdin Halid has some things that are considered controversial, such as easy Nurdin Halid provide forgiveness for the violations, kukuhnya Chairman Nurdin Halid as though he was in prison, not savory outstanding issues during the election of the Chairman in 2010, and overreaction to the the convening of the Premier League Indonesia
PSSI chairman

1930 - 1940 Soeratin Sosrosoegondo
1941 - 1949 Artono Martosoewignyo
1950 - 1959 Maladi
1960 - 1964 Abdul Wahab Djojohadikoesoemo
1964 - 1967 Maulwi Saelan
1967 - 1974 Kosasih Poerwanegara
1975 - 1977 Bardosono
1977 - 1977 Moehono
1977 - 1981 Ali Sadikin
1982 - 1983 Sjarnoebi Said
1983 - 1991 Kardono
1991 - 1999 Azwar Anas
1999 - 2003 Agum Gumelar
2003 - 1 April 2011 Nurdin Halid
1 April 2011 - July 9, 2011 Agum Gumelar (PSSI Normalization Committee Chairman)
July 9, 2011 - incumbent (Time Out 2015) Djohar Arifin Husin


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